Debating Women: Gender, Education, and Spaces for Argument: 1835-1945 (2018)

Debating Women: Gender, Education, and Spaces for Argument: 1835-1945 (2018)

Dr. Carly Woods’ book, Debating Women: Gender, Education, and Spaces for Argument, 1835-1945

Spanning a historical period that begins with their exclusion from university debates and continues through their participation in co-educational intercollegiate competitions, Debating Women highlights the crucial role that debating organizations played as nineteenth and twentieth century women sought to access the fruits of higher education in the United States and United Kingdom. Debating Women was awarded the 2019 James A. Winans- Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address and the 2018 Daniel Rohrer Memorial Outstanding Research Award from the American Forensic Association.